(All these services, please call first for an appointment, and to see if they have any jobs available that you may qualify for. Always bring your resume' with you when either going for or to an employment interview.)
Shreveport, LA 71101
(means HELP)
(pronounced eye u da)
Ayuda wants you to call first to do a phone screening, then they will set you up an appointment.
They are funded by a grant from Department of Labor out of Washington D.C.
They hire low income persons.
For a single person income level is $15,613, and for a couple it's $21,138. (Changes every year in January)
Must be 55 or older
Shreveport, LA 71104
Shreveport, LA 71133
Program Description: Job Placement, unemployment insurance, training porgrams, laboar market information and referral to other agencies.
We are very enthusiastic about Work Ready certificates.
Shreveport, LA 71106
Services Provided: Open Job Placement Program, Outreach Placement Program, Behavioral Health Program, GoodSupport Program, Ex-Offender Program, Supported Employment, and Patient Assistance Program.
Contract Services: Janitorial Services, Commercial Groundskeeping, Warehouse Services, and Switchboard Services.